How to Always Stay Happy

Happiness in closet

“Always hang your Happiness in your own closet, Most people will discard it after they have used you !”
The reason most people are unhappy today is because they are depending on others to keep them happy. That can never be a successful plan. A simple realization can change a life of struggle to one of peace and joy…

The Spices for Recipe of Life

We need only three realizations for a happy, healthy and successful life;

1. RIGHTEOUSNESS WITH FAITH- What we think and do today becomes the foundation for tomorrow- live your life with honesty, integrity, and faith in the powers of the Universe
2. COMPASSION AND LOVE- The Flower of life blossoms with the sweet taste of unconditional love- loving out of our soul and treating others as we want ourselves and our family members to be treated
3. RESPECT AND ENJOYMENT- Time, people, work become our friend if we treat them with respect- showing regard and consideration for one and all…and enjoying every moment of our exiastence..

…But most importantly be honest with yourself, love and respect yourself and righteous values and learn to stand by them…at all times.

Renew with Easter

The celebration of Easter denotes the Resurrection of a Pure Soul, an example set before us on Earth more than 2000 years ago by Jesus Christ.

Every day our physical Body undergoes changes at the cellular and molecular level.

Every minute our Mind changes it’s focus through thoughts.

But our Soul, which is full of peace, wisdom, strength and joy often lays dormant and overpowered by the needs of Body and Mind.

This Easter awaken your Soul and start, “ENJOYING BLISSFUL LIVING”

Smile- it brings out the best in you and others

Life brings with it  challenges that often take away our focus from what is true and important.

Within each of us is a core energy full of wisdom, strength, peace and insights to live life right.  When we realize that life force and start identifying with it, our blissful journey on Earth begins.

Don’t deny yourself that life….;jsessionid=7CF472DA77E0EE9E03B13E15E01F9D6A