Connecting with Universal Power

Humans are limited in their capabilities and capacities, UNTIL they learn to connect with the Universal Power.
Shrouded by the mind and distracted by the body, there resides in each of us an inner core of energy.
That core of energy is our Soul. Once we learn to realize it, we unburden all our pain and anguish.
And once that soul connects with the SuperSoul, we learn to Rejoice, with wisdom and energy….

Magic of Love creates Miracles

Human emotions are the spice of life.  But too much and wrong spices can ruin your taste, health and…life.

Whether we like it or not, we are often tossing from one emotion to another.  However among the seven basic emotions that humans perceive, two are of prime importance.

These two emotions can bring out the best in us….Joy and Acceptance.

When these two emotions are put together, we feel LOVE….

We all need to learn to love ourselves and others to bring out the best in this World…

Renew with Easter

The celebration of Easter denotes the Resurrection of a Pure Soul, an example set before us on Earth more than 2000 years ago by Jesus Christ.

Every day our physical Body undergoes changes at the cellular and molecular level.

Every minute our Mind changes it’s focus through thoughts.

But our Soul, which is full of peace, wisdom, strength and joy often lays dormant and overpowered by the needs of Body and Mind.

This Easter awaken your Soul and start, “ENJOYING BLISSFUL LIVING”

Smile- it brings out the best in you and others

Life brings with it  challenges that often take away our focus from what is true and important.

Within each of us is a core energy full of wisdom, strength, peace and insights to live life right.  When we realize that life force and start identifying with it, our blissful journey on Earth begins.

Don’t deny yourself that life….;jsessionid=7CF472DA77E0EE9E03B13E15E01F9D6A

Enlightening Meditation

The simple and unique way to exist in a state of complete peace and joy, irrespective of your circumstances, is to encounter your true self: Your Soul.

Soul is a energy, like light, which is always peaceful, and exists at the core of our being.  It is the driving life force within us in our lives, but is shrouded by the changing physical body and a ocean like turbulent mind.

In 3 very simple steps, learn to encounter it, connect with it, and enjoy it for eternity….